Sunday, March 15, 2009

27 weeks!

I wish I had started this thing earlier, but oh well I will catch you all up!I am now 27 weeks, and cant believe that I am almost 7 months along! How precious this little life is inside of me! Babies are such a miracle! My pregnancy seemed to be going to slow being sick for 22 weeks straight, but now that I am not sick I am loving this! I have energy now, and I am nesting like crazy! I don't stop cleaning, shopping, or decorating! Blair came home the other day and our closet was all organized by color, he was like OMG Kayla really? Hahah! I cant sit still all day, but when night comes I have been reading a lot and writing!

Sophia Blair: Sophia is getting so big so fast! We had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago to check on her valve issue, and she weighs 1 lb, 10 oz! She is at 42 % of her weight that she should be, and should be 50% so I am doing my best to eat even when I am not hungry. Sadly, her issue has worsened like they thought it would, but as long as she hangs on to that second valve she will not be taken early.
Her favorite time to play is at 9:30 AM every morning. Soon as Blair wakes up and starts talking to her she goes crazy!!! She does flips when she hears his voice! She is already a Daddy's girl! I started having Braxton Hicks contrations on Wed, and poor Blair thought I was going in to labor haha! Our Dr called and told us what these contractions were, and he got his color back in to his face(:

Cravings: You would think I would take advantage of being able to eat all kinds of things, but honestly unhealthy food makes me feel yucky. I crave one thing constantly. SPICY! I eat Thai and japanese almost nightly! The little Thai ladies think I am nuts for asking for their hottest spices in their curry, but not only do I love it, it takes away my nasea!! Crazy huh! I am also on a Ramon noodle kick, I eat a packet daily and am obsessed with it.
I have gained 17 pounds so far, and am prepared to pack on some more! I am still working out a couple times a week, but not doing much cardio, even though I just got a treadmill haha. Cardio hurts my back a lot so I am just lifting for now and doing lots of yoga and plyometrics.

Blair: I think when it omes to pampering I have the most amazing Husband in the world. Not only does he give me massages whenever I need them or want them" which is nightly" he also draws me a lavender bath with candles when I am on my way home from my long day at work! If he is not working I dont lift a finger when it comes to meals! He makes me a egg sanwich that is incredible, and no matter how many times I try to make it, I cant make it like him!
I am doing all the house work but I want to, it gives me exercise!

Work:I am still working full time, but by 8 months am going to let Blair take over my clients. This will be great for him considering he can make his own hours, and make great money fast! I will not be going back to work 5 days a week, but I am blessed to have In Home clients 3 times a week who will let me bring Sophia with me! I also will start back my Bootcamp, which will last 1 hour on Saturdays, so I will just have one of the 11 family members I have in Memphis watch her(: I am not going back to traveling with BSN for 8 weeks, and when I do it will only be every few weeks, and Sophia will get to travel around with me which is awesome! I have been chosen as the new spokesmodel for a National ad for a BSN fat burner, so 8 weeks after I have Sophia we will be flying to Miami to hang out for a few days on the beach to shoot the ad, so wish me luck that this body bounces back!!

Nursery: The nursery is precious, and soon as Daddy gets time it will be finished. The paint is a pale pink and he just has to get the very top of the room. We were stupid to use a room with 12 ft ceilings when we are short people haha but it was the bigger room. Her furniture is going to be all white. Blair has been working on something for her for a few weeks now, so that is so exciting! MiMi is buying her crib so that will be special.

I think thats all the updates! I will update in about a month, and then she will be coming before we know it! Sophia is still scheduled to come in June, but who knows, I have a feeling about May!
She will be delivered at Germantown Methodist, and I hear from everyone wh has had babies that Methodist is not only like a luxury hotel, but the maternity nurses are amazing. Since I was declined by the midwife to have Sophia at home beause of her valve issue, this at least makes me happy to hear all these wonderful things about Methodist. I am still going all natural if all goes as planned, so hopefully nothing will get in the way of that!

Hope you guys enjoyed!! I hope to see you at my Shower being thrown my Sophia's Godmother Arisa April 4th!!